Reveal your smoothest skin ever

High class materials and gentle arms of our experienced specialist makes your session and your skin smooth.

Why Wax? 

Waxing is fabulous at quickly, affordably and safely removing hair from most areas of the body. We offer waxing for the Facial, Upper body, Lower body, Bikini.

Waxing lasts longer than shaving, which is the usual alternative. Whilst you’ll be reaching for the razor again within a day or two, with waxing you can be hair free for as long as six weeks.

Benefits of Waxing

Less Regrowth

Finer Regrowth

Waxing is like Exfoliation

Waxing banishes shaving rush

Fever ingrown hairs

Waxing says goodbye to inching

Save up to 20% buying Personal Monthly Plan 
Our Specialist will offer you Personal Monthly Plan after your first session


Wax Studio

Best combinations:

Oxygen Therapy after Waxing brings relaxation and calmness

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