Compression Therapy for LEGs – 30 minutes

Compression Therapy for ARMs – 20 minutes

Compression Therapy for HIPs – 30 minutes

Full Body – 50-80 minutes. It’s up to you. We can do one by one each zone and get a 80 min session, or we combine zones and make a 50 minutes session.

During your compression therapy session at Health and Beauty Family you’ll have the sensation of a very tight squeeze that works its way up the chambers of the device you’re using (arms, hips or legs). It’s very relaxing, much like a massage, as it soothes your sore and tired muscles.

Comfortable yet tight-fitting clothes are best. If your clothes are too loose, as the device compresses, the fabric can bunch and be uncomfortable.

The Pulse technology at is designed to externally compress the limbs in a way that mimics normal physiology using a sophisticated pulsing, gradient and distal release compression pattern for the most effective recovery tool.

You can use Compression Therapy before or after exercise, for routine training or high-level competition.