Consider this: when you sweat, you increase circulation, which results in glowing skin, pain relief, weight loss, stress relief, increased athletic performance, improved immune function, injury recovery and more. Sounds pretty beneficial!

Simply stated, infrared is a light wave next to the color red on the electromagnetic spectrum that is invisible to the human eye but felt as heat. In fact, you’ve likely come in contact with infrared before since it is commonly used in incubators for newborns, heat lamps and toasters. As you can imagine, your sauna session at Health and Beauty Family will be a gentle, peaceful one that leaves you feeling relaxed and renewed.

You will actually start your session when the sauna cabin temp is 90-100 degrees Fahrenheit and let your body warm up along with the cabin air temperature. The heater panels are already emitting far infrared energy at maximum capacity and your body is receiving all the infrared energy it can absorb. Take your time and enjoy yourself.

During the session you can adjust the best temperature for you between 100 and 156 degrees Fahrenheit.

Far Infrared ‘soft’ heat is calming and relaxing, just like feeling your body soak up the warmth of the sun on a cool day, and as your body becomes more accustomed to raising your core temperature on a regular basis you will sweat twice as much and detoxify more compared to a traditional sauna – all at cabin air temperatures that are 40-60 degrees Fahrenheit lower than hot rock and steam saunas!

After you have ‘ramped up’ in your first week or two of use, you will probably find that you want to spend more time in the sauna. It feels good, works great, clears your mind and strengthens your body. Get ready to feel your stress, body aches and pains melt away.

By heating your core temperature and inducing sweating, infrared saunas increase blood flow and heart rate, much like moderate exercise, and can burn 400-600 calories in just one 30-minute session.

Frequency is based on each individual but generally we recommend 1-3 sessions per week.

To get the full benefit of our treatments, it is best to let your body “do the work” to get itself back to its normal temperature on its own. If you shower within an hour of a sauna session you are artificially aiding your body in returning to its normal temperature, thus we do not have showers.

Yes, we provide towels and water.

Less is more (even nothing at all if you please!). Typically, a bathing suit or underwear are ideal for use in our infrared saunas (just be sure it’s free of plastic or metal fasteners or eyelets).

The more water that’s in your body, the more productive your session will be. So we recommend good hydration as well as a light meal prior to your session (but nothing heavy or directly before your session).

Absolutely! That’s another benefit of infrared heat over steam; infrared does not affect electronics.

Warm, cozy and relaxed – how does that sound? That’s what the first portion of your treatment will feel like. During the last 10 minutes, your sweating and heart rate will increase though your comfort level will remain.

Saunas are not advisable for women who are pregnant, anyone with a pacemaker or those who have an inability to sweat.

The good news is, infrared heat kills 99% of bacteria for a naturally sterile environment. But at Health and Beauty Family, we go a step further and clean the sauna in between sessions with non-toxic cleaners.

Think of how you feel right after a workout and that’s probably the feeling you’ll have right after your sauna session. But within 30 minutes, you’ll experience a boost in energy and mood resulting in a productive afternoon and restful night’s sleep.

  1. When you first begin to use your infrared sauna, Start Slowly. After becoming acclimated to infrared heat, users average 25-45 minute sessions
  2. Stay Hydrated! A good rule of thumb is to divide your body weight by two and drink a minimum of that many ounces of water on a daily basis. (160 lbs. divided by 2 = 80 ounces of water or eight 10-ounce glasses of water, daily. It’s also best to hydrate before, during and after your sauna routine.
  3. You may not sweat a lot during your first 2-3 sauna sessions. This is normal for many people, as they haven’t had a recent history of sweating.
  4. Take care not to overheat during your first few sessions. If you feel lightheaded, have a queasy stomach, or start to get a headache, end your session immediately. As the body continues to adjust, sweating can increase dramatically and body temperature regulation becomes more effective.
  5. An increase in heart beat of up to 30% above the resting pulse is generally considered safe, unless a medical or heart condition requires keeping your pulse rate lower.
  6. Body temperature should not be allowed to rise above 102 degrees F. “Moderate sauna use is safe for most older people, but diabetics and anyone being treated for heart or circulatory conditions should check with their doctor, particularly if taking medication” states Dr. J.H. Halperin, Professor of Internal Medicine, Mount Sinai Medical Center.
  7. Watery Fat and Cellulite deposits begin breaking up into smaller water clusters as your core body temperature reaches approximately 100.5 degrees F.
  8. If the sauna cabin temperature becomes too hot for your comfort, or the cabin becomes ‘stuffy’, just open the door for a minute or so to let some fresh air inside.
  9. Sauna Apparel. Lightweight shorts and tee shirt are ok. Swim suits are better. “Birthday Suit” is fine, too. You can also place a towel on the bench seat to absorb perspiration during your session. Far infrared will penetrate clothing and towels.
  10. By Stretching your arms, legs, neck, and back area during your far infrared sauna session you can achieve increased body flexibility, range of motion, and reduce chronic stiffness and problem areas.
  11. If you feel the beginning of cold or flu symptoms coming on, the hyperthermia induced by an infrared sauna can strengthen your immune system. In many instances, frequent far infrared sauna sessions can significantly reduce your cold and flu symptoms in a few short days.
  12. When you finish your sauna session, it is important to relax and cool down while your body continues to perspire. Take a shower at least 1 hour after you session and let the full benefits of your session begin to unfold.

Chromotherapy FAQ

Chromotherapy is the science of using colors to adjust body vibrations to frequencies that result in health and harmony. The belief that color is important in healing has been around for thousands of years rooted in the idea that specific colors in the spectrum of light positively affect your emotions.

Chromotherapy has been shown to improve a range of emotions including sociability, happiness and success to name a few.

At Health and Beauty Family our infrared sauna offers you a choice of 12 different color options, each with frequencies of a specific vibration related to different physical symptoms to help your body re-establish its natural balance.

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